Comments on: 3 Easy Ways To Type The Degree Symbol (°) On A Laptop Get the Latest Tech News, Gadget Reviews, Tips & Tricks Mon, 20 Mar 2023 07:55:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: RicD Tue, 10 May 2022 19:44:53 +0000 In reply to Stupid Article.

On Apple device, hold down the number zero you will see a popup displaying the degree symbol, clicking it will past it into the document.

This is really a good article. He did explain two things, 1. How Microsoft programed it to work, 2. How to use the Character Map.

Using a web search for a degree symbol will take considerably longer, plus taking you out of the document being typed. Important, using the web for the degree symbol, what you copy may not match the font being used in your document. Truly, this is a very good article. Thank you, Prayas Chakma.

By: Stupid Article Thu, 07 Apr 2022 12:29:28 +0000 Hot to type in the ° symbol for windows:
Just type it in in the search bar.

This article doesn’t actually explain how to type the degree symbol for windows, it just tells you to type it in the search bar somehow, without copying it. Where would you get it from? You can’t type it normally, how are you supposed to enter it into the search bar? If that requires you to copy it, you might as well copy it from somewhere online and skip all this.
